How To Remove Wildlife


Yes we are licensed through the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and our certifications are given through the Michigan National Wildlife Control Operators Association.
CMWS offers a one year warranty on the work completed.
CMWS prides ourselves on a complete top to bottom, inside and outside the home inspection and consultation with the home owner. Inspection fee will be waived with completion of the work.
There are signs at openings, seams and peaks on your home that look dirty or stained, you will see a discoloration on the surfaces of the home.
CMWS is always willing to come and remove unwanted, smelly and bacterial filled dead animals.
CMWS does large and small restorations. We along with our partners provide a complete renewal to your home.
Home Inspections start at $149.00. This will be waived at the completion of the job. Basic Trapping Service start at $275.00 After hour emergency hours start at $250.00 Bat Exclusions starts at $450.00